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The Hermitage of the Three Holy Hierarchs came into being on 8th October 2010 when Father Gregory Hrynkiw professed his vows as a hermit. The Hermitage is Byzantine rite and is contemplative and active. Father Hrynkiw's model of spirituality is Saint Gregory of Nazianzus, who sought a 'middle way', perfecting a holy balance between action and contemplation; speech and silence. Saint Gregory is one of the eponymous Holy Hierarchs; the other two are Saint Basil and Saint John Chrysostom. The Hermitage is based in Saskatchewan, Canada and its charisms are teaching, preaching, spiritual direction and living a monastic life of prayer. Father Gregory is a prolific teacher and speaker throughout the region, and runs a weekly sacred scripture study in Saskatoon.  The Hermitage is placed under the protection of Mary, Theotokos.

What is a Hermit?

We rarely question the value of religious orders when they teach, nurse, or even make honey. 

And while teaching, in this hermitage, makes the hermit's role easier for people to understand,

in a sense it obfuscates the central question: What is a hermit? The Russian classic, 

The Pilgrim Continues His Way, has a succinct 'job description'. A hermit discusses three of his roles.

The first is in analyzing and contemplating his moral existence. It behooves the hermit to meditate

on the interior life, to theologize if he is a theologian, and to share his insights with others, in written

or spoken forms.

The second is that the hermit is an example-- and this may be even truer in today's secular and fast-

paced society. The hermit throws a gauntlet of solitude, prayerfulness and holiness down at the feet

of a world which seems to be rejecting such notions, even as it most desperately needs them.

The third is to lead by moral example, shunning sin and nurturing personal sanctity.

But, for the priest hermit-monk of the Hermitage of the Three Holy Hierarchs, there is a charism

that underpins everything-- that is, the endeavour and fruitfulness of prayer. The Divine Liturgy

and Office are prayed daily, each with a specific intention-- sometimes requested by people far away,

sometimes regarding a global concern, sometimes about something close to home, sometimes abstract,

sometimes specific. 

Every time we are united to the heavenly liturgy something changes here on earth. Here at the Hermitage

the belief in the power of prayer is strong. The good that it will do is unquantifiable by human hands, but

anything is possible through the grace of God.

According to St. Basil the Christian life is to become prayer, and prayer is to enliven life itself: "Thus you will pray without ceasing; if you pray not only in words, but unite yourself to God through all the course of your life is made one ceaseless and uninterrupted prayer" (Migne, PG 31, 244; St. Basil, “Homily in Honour of St. Julitta,” nn. 3-4). 

So what is a hermit? A living prayer....

Lord, make me a living prayer

Let all that is in my heart be a supplication

Let all that I do speak of you

Let my every thought and breath be united with you

Lord, make me a prayer



The Coat of Arms of the Hermitage of the Three Holy Hierarchs

























The Hermitage Coat of Arms was designed in 2017, the seventh anniversary of the Hermitage. Seven  is also the number of covenant and in Hebrew means to swear an oath. For these reasons, there are seven elements within the coat of arms.


The top of the shield indicates the geographical location of the Hermitage—green and gold are the colors of Saskatchewan, Canada. The three gold sheaves are redolent of the agricultural nature of the place, but also represent abundance and patriarchal protection: they symbolize the grain that Joseph of the Old Testament supplied to his brothers in time of famine; and the protection that Joseph of the New Testament gave to Our Lord Jesus Christ and continues to give to the Church today.


The body of the shield is in Mary’s blue—the Hermitage is placed under the patronage of the Theotokos. The one silver rose at the bottom is the Rose of Sharon (Song of Solomon 2,1 ), representing our Blessed Mother.


The three hares at the heart of the coat of arms represent the Three Holy Hierarchs (Saint John Chrysostom, Saint Gregory of Nazianzus and Saint Basil). Each of the hares shares an ear with the others, forming a triangle—this space is where we are invited to enter the perichoresis, the sublime relationship and shared divinity of the Trinity.


Around the coat of arms there is a silver chotky (prayer rope), illustrating the prayers that surround, protect and direct the Hermitage and all of those associated with it.

Glory be to Jesus Christ!

Our Lady of the Hermitage, pray for us!

Contact the Hermitage:


To Donate to Asketerion Ministries Inc., you can send an eTransfer to (has auto-deposit, no password required). 


As a hermit, Fr Hrynkiw relies chiefly on charitable donations.

All benefactors are remembered and prayed for daily. 

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